Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Not feeling to well.....

but I want to work on some crafts. I don't feel sick, just been very very cold and achy and really tired the past few days, I feel like I could sleep day and night. I have so many craft projects in the works and hoping that tommorrow I will have a little more energy than today!!!

Monday, June 2, 2008

This is me and my farmer on Memorial day!


Welcome to my little home on the web. I have decided to give blogging a shot and it will also be nice for my kids that live far from home to pop in and see what is going on here on the farm.
My name is Marie but dh always calls me Rie and it sort of stuck.

Here it is very early summer and I love it, the corn is just starting to pop up and I like the way you can see the rows all nice and even. The hay is getting tall and about ready to be chopped and of course the new babies we have here on the farm, I do love this time of year!!